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Hello! Thank you for visiting Kassun and Cassandra’s adoption web page. We are very excited to be starting our adoption journey and cannot wait to hold our first child in our arms. Adoption truly is a labor of love that involves many steps and the help of many people. This process can be overwhelming, especially when you are just starting, as Kassun and I are. We have decided to break it down into steps. We are currently on step one, fund raising. We are both blessed with stable, good jobs, but adoption is very costly.  We have decided to take our hobbies and turn them to our cause. Cassandra is an avid craft-er who especially enjoys knitting and crocheting. Kassun is a natural graphic designer, who, in fact designed and created our web pages by hand! Please take a moment to visit our store and browse through our selection of items for sale.
All proceeds go into our Adoption Fund. To read more about Kassun and Cassandra, please feel free to read our blogs.

Thank you all for being a part of our adoption journey and making Helpourfamilyadopt.com a success!


Kassuns & Cassandras

Kassuns & Cassandras
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